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Launch the Pro Version App, Saham Rakyat Want to Add Active Users

Saham Rakyat now has 70 thousand active traders on the platform; also targeting the young mother segment

After launching earlier this year, the platform trading community based stock Saham Rakyat, claims to experience positive traction organically as the number of users increases. Based on information on Google Play, currently the application has been downloaded by 50 thousand+ users.

To DailySocial.id, Founder & CEO Saham Rakyat Kevin Hendrawan revealed, according to their initial mission, application Saham Rakyat wants to focus on educating the Indonesian people about the benefits of investing in stocks. You do this by prioritizing service user friendly so easy to access.

Not only the younger generation Saham Rakyat also targeting a wider segment of users, such as among young mothers who are starting to have a great interest in investing in stocks.

"After we launched earlier this year our traction was good and most of it came organically. Many of our users who came from the community then became active traders, said Kevin.

Launch the Pro version of the app

After previously releasing the application in the Lite version, now to provide comprehensive features and services, Saham Rakyat released the Pro version of the application. Still on the same platform, users who understand exactly what stock investment is and all its supporters can take advantage of this Pro version.

For those who fall into the expert or professional category and want to do more in-depth calculations or planning related to buying and selling stocks, the Pro version can be ideal for use.

Services wealthtech This premium version has previously been released a number of developers, including Bibit, Bareksa, to Moduit. The target is indeed for professional retail investors with large asset values.

"Our application is simple, just swipe toggle in the profile settings section to switch versions. Stock investment is a market that often changes quickly, so it requires fast execution when stock values ​​are rising," Kevin said.

One feature that is also still the user's choice is Group Chat. This feature is still the choice of users, most of whom are communities to communicate with each other, share information and other activities online. Group Chat is an open discussion room where users can ask questions and be answered directly by financial analysts Saham Rakyat and educational webinars about stock analysis.

Through PT Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia, which already has a permit from the OJK, Saham Rakyat also supported by Kaesang Pangarep, son of President Joko Widodo as Brand Ambassador.

Interested by young mothers

Apart from the current Jabodetabek users Saham Rakyat has also spread to Sumatra, Kalimantan, to Sulawesi. If at first they wanted to attract more users from the younger generation, now accidentally the company has found a new strategic group to approach, namely young mothers.

It started with education on social media about the safety of investing and avoiding fraudulent investments, now Saham Rakyat have had active traders from among young mothers.

"Currently there are young mothers aged around 35-45 years doing active trading di Saham Rakyat. They are very active and have enough control over the questions trading. they find Saham Rakyat through social media, after we have approached finally they are now our users," said Kevin

Overall application Saham Rakyat has been downloaded by 100 thousand users, there are about 70 thousand active traders di Saham rakyat at the moment. Next year the company has a target to add 1 million active traders di Saham Rakyat. As a platform that functions like an online stock broker, Saham Rakyat provide about 800 issuers or public companies for their users.

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"Because we as trading platform then our position in the middle. We do not keep customers' money, the holders are direct banks, in this case BCA and BRI through the Customer Fund Accounts (RDN), and these shares are held by PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI). What we can do as a platform is simplify UI/UX. In terms of speed, various parties must work together," said Kevin.

Putting forward as a stock shopping platform, Saham Rakyat also continue to conduct educational activities offline and online related to stock investment to the general public. One of the activities offline What is done for education is through Art Exhibition.

Still reluctant to add other digital investment product options such as mutual funds, crypto to gold, according to Kevin, there are still many potential stock investments to be explored. Going forward, the company seeks to move at its own pace.

Currently, there are several similar platforms that can be used to invest in various types of instruments, including:  WonderfulBareksaPluangPINA, and others .

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