1. Startups

Improve Communication for Business, Qontak Introduces Instagram API Beta

Omnichannel and CRM company Qontak is a business partner for the Messenger API for WhatsApp and Instagram. Help manage incoming messages and integrate all message sources in one interface.

Digital technology innovation is accelerating, especially because of the pandemic. Digital adaptation is no exception to business people from various sectors. From the survey conducted, almost 80% of Indonesian MSMEs have transformed into the digital realm. This condition proves the need to increase online sales and automation.

Accommodating this, Instagram introduced a new beta service interface or API to the public in mid-2021 and Contact selected as a Messenger API partner.

The Instagram API is specifically designed to help businesses manage incoming messages or Direct Messages (DM) on Instagram and integrate them with other business systems.

In the midst of a growing business during this pandemic, managing communication with customers is crucial. Qontak, which implements this omnichannel integration system, is supported by various additional features to make it easier to manage customer service and sales. Qontak provides many features that make it easier for Indonesian MSMEs.

These include providing services such as, multi-user and multi-device, agent allocation, chatbots that are able to answer customer DMs automatically 24/7, message personalization, integration of all message sources from various social media used in one interface, send product catalogs from Instagram. Shop, and analyzes from conversation reports and admin performance to many other uses.

The features above can certainly build the customer experience of the business that is being run. Brendan R, as CEO of Qontak in a press release received by DailySocial.id said, "The new Instagram API beta collaboration will accelerate technology adoption from SMEs to enterprises, making it easier for businesses to grow even when PPKM is tightened."

Aiming to empower digital businesses, the launch of the Instagram API with Qontak has helped more than 1000 businesses from various fields in Indonesia. You can use this service by connecting your business Instagram account to the Qontak Omnichannel system without having to pay any fees during the period testing.