1. Startups

P2P Lending ServicesRupiah Funds Provide Productive Loans in the Agriculture and Education Sector

Already have more than 4,1 customers, with funding reaching 1,7 Rupiah

DanaRupiah is a platform p2p loans with product variants including personal loans, productive loans and education loans. Under the auspices of PT Financial Services Sharing, this service has been registered and supervised by the OJK since June 2018.

To DailySoical, Head of Business Development FundsRupiah Christine Tandeans explained, until the first half of 2019 the number of users had reached more than 4,1 million with a funding value of 1,7 trillion Rupiah.

Weshare Financial is parent company DanaRupiah, is currently operating the service fintech in various countries such as in the Philippines, Vietnam, Russia to Africa. DanaRupiah was founded by Andy Zhang, supported by the board of directors including Entjik S. Djafar as President Director, Wahyu S. Ariyanto as Director, Charisa Dini as Commissioner.

"For market the biggest one at this time is still a personal loan because this product is the first product from DanaRupiah, but after grand launch For educational loans on May 29, 2019 and productive loans for farmers on July 4 2019, DanaRupiah will focus more on increasing the portion to productive with a target of 25% by the end of this year," said Christine.

It doesn't just stop there, next year DanaRupiah has the ambition to launch productive loans to SMEs in general. To increase the penetration of education loans, strategic partnerships with various leading universities in Indonesia will also be established. For now, as stated in situs, DanaRupiah recently partnered with Hacktiv8 to finance courses there.

When asked about the differentiation and advantages possessed by Christine, "the process offered by DanaRupiah is relatively faster, because we are supported by technology such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, blockchain and big data."

Although for operational legality, a registered and supervised permit is sufficient, but now the players began to pursue the status of a business license of "information technology-based lending and borrowing services" from the OJK. Rupiah funds include those that have not obtained the permit. The latest data as of May 2019, there are only 7 platforms that already have business licenses, namely Danamas, Investree, Amartha, Dompet Kilat, Kimo, Tokomodal and UangTeman.

"DanaRupiah is committed to complying with and complying with every OJK regulation in order to protect the industry fintech in order to develop properly. The concrete steps that we have taken include participating in the certification program fintech for the board of directors and shareholders, actively providing socialization to the community, and certification for stakeholders collector in order to carry out their duties properly and in accordance with applicable SOPs," concluded Christine.

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