1. DScovery

Looking at the Development and Various Digital Online Libraries in Indonesia

In addition to being easily accessible anytime and anywhere, digital online libraries also provide access to books that are more diverse than ordinary libraries.

Nowadays it is not difficult to access various information via the internet. Even if you are looking for information related to theses, research or journals, you can find them easily on the internet. Since the internet network was present in Indonesia, more and more innovations have occurred and have brought many conveniences to the lives of many people.

However, even though accessing information that you do on the internet is fairly easy, you must ensure that the source of information you get is a trusted source and contains facts that are proven by data. To reinforce the information you need, information on the internet will not be your only source.

In addition to the internet, usually many people will look for other information from a book either by buying it or just borrowing it at the library.

Now, the combination of the internet and the library has become one. Yes, it is called a digital online library that makes it easy for you to find the books you need just through your hand smartphone. Uniquely, digital online libraries provide books that are not available in ordinary libraries, you know!

What is a digital library?

A digital library is an environment of multimedia material in an organized digital form, intended for the benefit of a structured user population, to facilitate access to content (content) and equipped with facilities for navigating to the global network.

Based on the 2004 International Conference of Digital Libraries, the concept of a digital library is an electronic library whose information is obtained, stored, and retrieved through digital formats. The digital library is a group workstations interconnected and connected to the network (networks) high speed. Modern information systems can now present information electronically and manipulate it automatically at high speed.

Development of Digital Libraries in Indonesia

The first digital library network in Indonesia began operating in June 2001. The digital library network was named Indonesia DLN (Digital Library Network). Indonesia DLN was initiated by the Knowledge Management Research Group (KMRG) of the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) which pioneered the creation of a digital library network between higher education institutions. The digital library network aims to make it easier for academics and the general public to access research results, student final assignments, theses and dissertations.

Digital libraries are a further development of website technology. The use of web browsers is what causes digital libraries to have similarities with websites, especially their features.

Digital Online Library Features

Apart from finding eBook (only in Dutch at the moment), you can find research journals in digital libraries. Based on PP No. 43 of 2007 concerning Libraries, libraries are divided into five types, namely national libraries, public libraries, school/madrasah libraries, university libraries, and special libraries. The features available in the digital library include membership features, search features, links and links features, bilingual features, article features, and folder and archive features. Digital library users can customize features according to their needs.

Examples of Digital Libraries in Indonesia

The digital library can be accessed via website official or through an application that can be downloaded from the Play Store and App Store. The following are digital library services in Indonesia that can be your choice.

1. National Library

Image source : ipusnas.id/

The first digital library service is the National Library. You can access the National Library through the official website and download the iPusnas application through the Play Store and App Store. In order to continue borrowing books and reading the books you need, you can first create an account and verify your email.

In addition to borrowing books, you can also provide a review of the books you borrow through the column provided. Interestingly, users can follow each other's profiles.

Download at here

2. Ministry of Education and Culture Library

Image source: play.google.com

The next digital library is the Ministry of Education and Culture Library. Apart from the official website, the Ministry of Education and Culture Library is also available in the form of the EPerpusdikbud application which can be downloaded through the Play Store and App Store. The Ministry of Education and Culture Library also has Repository institutions that you can find in the available selected categories.

Download at here

3. Bank Indonesia Library

Image source: bi.go.id

Next, there is the Bank Indonesia Library. You can access this library through the iBI Library app by downloading it from the Play Store and App Store. Here you will find journals, databases, magazines and news.

Download at here

4. Language Agency of the Ministry of Education and Culture

Image source: BadanBahasa.kemdikbud.go.id

Finally, there is the Language Agency of the Ministry of Education and Culture. Here you can find books from early childhood to general with various topics provided. You can write the title of the book you are looking for through the column in the website. In addition to reading, here is also available audio content that you can listen to live.


Well, those are some reviews about digital libraries in Indonesia along with examples. The presence of digital libraries today certainly makes it easier for us to find reliable sources of information according to what we need.

Are you one of the people who have used the digital library services above?

Disclosure : This article was written by Srikandy Indah Karina
