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Get to know the term employee turnover, types and causes

A complete explanation regarding the understanding, types, causes, impacts and how to overcome employee turnover in the company.

In a company, conditions turnover employees or the entry and exit of employees is a common thing. This condition can be profitable as well as detrimental to the company.

Therefore, it is important for the company to be familiar with the term employee turnover in order to understand the advantages and disadvantages. The following is an explanation regarding the definition, types, causes, impacts and how to overcome them turnover employees at the company.

What is that Employee Turnover?

Turnover employees or often called employee turnover is a condition where staff or employees leave the company or resign and his position was replaced by someone else.

Condition turnover experienced by the company can be profitable as well as detrimental. Can be profitable, if the company gets a better replacement employee. However, if it was the other way around, especially when turnover happens too often, the company can lose money.

Types Turnover Employee

There are two types of employees in the condition turnover employees, including the following:

Volunteer or Volunteer

'Volunteer' employees turnover are employees who voluntarily resign from the company and have a reason for doing so. The reasons can vary, ranging from getting a better job, offering a higher salary, wanting to continue their education, and others.

Non-volunteer or Forced

'non-volunteer' employees turnover are employees who are forced to leave the company for certain reasons originating from the company's internal management. The reason could be due to termination of employment or layoffs carried out by the company or other causes.

Cause of Occurrence Turnover Employee

Employee Turnover This can occur for a number of reasons, including the following:

Employees Feel Less Developed

When working in a company, especially when they are still in the adaptation period, employees will make those working periods a process of learning and self-development. If the company cannot support employees in the learning and development process, employees will get bored and lose their passion for work, so they decide to work resign.

Bad Work Environment

A bad work environment can make employees feel depressed. That pressure can range from managers who don't value employee opinions to coworkers who aren't friendly and supportive.

Difficult to Realize Work Life Balance

The number of work assignments makes the working hours longer. As a result, employees find it difficult to balance life, between life in the office and personal life outside the office. This leads to decreased employee performance to the point that they are not comfortable working, so they decide to... resign.

Impact Turnover Employees for the Company

When the company has a level employee turnover high, the impact will affect many aspects within a company, including:

Productivity Decrease

Watches employee turnover If this happens, the company will need time to find a replacement employee. As long as there is no replacement, the productivity level of other employees will decrease because they are burdened by the work of other employees resign.

Company Profits Slumped to Loss

High employee turnover can result in a lot of work not being completed properly, thus affecting the amount of company profits or profits. In addition, companies also need to carry out recruitment and severance pay which costs a lot, so that it can cause losses.

How to Overcome Company Losses Due to Employee Turnover

Basically, the company cannot regulate the sense of employee loyalty to the company. However, the company can at least make efforts to increase the sense of loyalty, by understanding the needs of employees.

Companies that understand the needs of their employees can reduce potential losses due to employee turnover that happened. Some things that can be done to reduce this potential include the following:

  • Look for employees who have the right skills and are able to follow workflow
  • Provide employees with effective training.
  • Give salary and facilities in accordance with the workload provided by the company.
  • Ensure employee working hours are balanced, give leave entitlements, and provide overtime pay for employees who work outside working hours.
  • Maintain a healthy work environment.
