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This Star Wars Edition Coca-Cola Bottle Relys On OLED Technology To Light Up The Label

Each bottle can be lit up to about 500 times

The screening of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker in theaters is just days away, and as usual, with it comes a line of merchandise Unique and interesting thematic. One of the most unique we can find in Singapore, precisely in the form of a bottle of Coca-Cola.

As we can see, this is not just any bottle, but one that has an OLED panel on the label. When the bottle is held, the OLED panel will light up and 'turn on' Rey and Kylo Ren's Lightsaber. No, it's not magic, it's the work of a German company called Inuru.

Inuru's specialty is creating labels and packaging with integrated electronic circuits. OLED, as we know, needs no help backlight to light up. The touch of the hand completes the electronic circuit, which then sends out enough energy for the diode array to fire up to about 500 times.

As expected, this Coca-Cola packaging is a limited edition, and Coca-Cola Singapore intends to release only 8.000 bottles. To be able to get it, consumers are also required to solve a number of puzzles first, and the answer will guide consumers to the location of the special coupon provider to be exchanged for the special bottle.

This is not the first time Inuru has teamed up with Coca-Cola. A year ago, they already supplied Coca-Cola with a label that says it can light up. This year, the same concept has been brought up again and at the same time mated with assets brand another super-popular.

Sumber: CNET and Inuru.