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BBM Now Integrated with Vidio.com, Live TV, and DANA Services

Make it possible for watching activities to be carried out in a group conversation

BBM Indonesia has re-released a new feature. One of them was launched in order to welcome the implementation of the Asian Games. BBM users can now enjoy broadcasts live TV and streaming Vidio.com, including watching Asian Games matches in a video group chat.

The user experience you want to provide, a group on BBM can be a virtual space to watch together broadcasts on these channels. Members of the group with the impression can also directly comment and interact with each other. Feature group chat with video content can be used for a maximum of 300 members.

Besides videos, BBM also released a new menu for the DANA digital wallet service. This menu is presented to make it easier for users to access various financial services in the BBM application. DANA is now presented in the Discover menu. This shortcut is claimed to be able to make access to the DANA feature easier. Good for DANA registered users or new users who want to register.

For information, BBM and DANA are under the same parent business, namely EMTEK Group.

BBM alone after decide to focus on the Indonesian market began to aggressively complement their platform. The goal is to make the application a one stop platform. Like this feature update, BBM is exclusively available for users in Indonesia.

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